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Read the truth....

Monday 23 February 2015

Spy Emergency 14.0.505.0

NETGATE Spy Emergency 14.0.505.0 Multilingual | 24.6 MB

Spy Emergency is the anti spyware, anti malware, anti spam solution that fast and secure removes spyware, malware, spam and other internet threats from your computer. Spy Emergency protects you against thousands of various infections and potencially unwanted software, including spyware, adware, spam, virus, trojans, worms, homepage hijackers, remote administration tools, activex components, dialers, scumware, keyloggers, data mining software, toolbars, tracking cookies, browser, hijackers/BHO's.

Spy Emergency do not slow down your computer and still protects you while your are working not like others spyware removal software. Spy Emergency has more than 985,000 threat definitions in its signature database! Small and regular definition updates greatly reduce update downloading time. Spy Emergency is ready to fight malware on Windows Vista operating systems.

Spy Emergency Features:
• Support for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers
• Scan of your system memory
• Scan of your registry
• Scan of your storage
• Built-in anti-spam
• System directory storage scan
• Tracking cookies scan
• Host file scan
• Hijackers scan
• Heuristic malware detection
• Polymorhic malware detection
• Generic unpacker with support for UPX, Aspack
• Command line interface
• Automatic LSP stack repair
• Real-time memory shields that blocks spyware before it executes
• Prevention shields that blocks malware installation
• Browser shields, including homepage shield
• Tracking cookies shields
• Automatic database updates
• News updates
• Individual spy restore functionality
• Keeplist
• Scheduling support
• Simple configuration
• Intuitive and clear user interface for spyware removal
• Handy Shell Extension Scanning
• Skin support
• Language support

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Women in Islam versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition:The Myth and the Reality

Women in Islam versus Women in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition:The Myth and the Reality

Sherif Abdel Azim | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 63 | Size: 1 MB

Five years ago, I read in the Toronto Star issue of July 3, 1990 an article titled Islam is not Alone in Patriarchal Doctrines, by Gwynne Dyer. The article described the furious reactions of the participants of a conference on women and power held in Montreal to the comments of the famous Egyptian feminist Dr. Nawal Saadawi. Her politically incorrect statements included : “the most restrictive elements towards women can be found first in Judaism in the Old Testament then in Christianity and then in the Quran” “all religions are patriarchal because they stem from patriarchal societies” and “veiling of women is not a specifically Islamic practice but an ancient cultural heritage with analogies in sister religions”.

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What Did Jesus Really Say

What Did Jesus Really Say

Misha’al ibn Abdullah | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 299 | Size: 2.5 MB

The book contains detailed information and descriptions that show how the Bible was changed and tampered with over the past two millennia. The account and the discussions presented are based on, and collected from, the writings of Christian authors, the Church and the Bible. The book:

- Shows the historical sequence of who tampered and changed the Bible, why and how.
- Demonstrates how Prophet Jesus, alayhes sallam, never told in anyone in the Bible “worship me.” or “I am a god.”
- Demonstrates how the Bible to this day does not contain a single verse which claims that God is a “Trinity” or three-in-one.
- Shows how both the Old and New Testament repeatedly emphasized to mankind that God is ONE and commanded them to worship only one God.
- Shows how Jesus’ people repeatedly refer to him in the Bible as “A Prophet.”
- Shows how Jesus and Moses, alayhemas sallam, both made many prophesies of the last messenger. These prophesies have been shown to be impossible to apply to anyone but him. There are over ten such detailed prophesies.
- Shows how the Dead Sea Scrolls which were recently discovered in Palestine in 1947 and which were written by the Jews who were waiting for the coming of Jesus, alayhes sallam, clearly state that they were not waiting for one, but two prophets. The first would be announced by an eschatological prophet (John the Baptist). This statement is repeated throughout the scrolls. If you want the truth about Christianity you must read this book. This book also is an excellent dawah gift to Christians.

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The Bible The Quran And Science

The Bible The Quran And Science

Dr. Maurice Bucaille | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 171 | Size: 1.5 MB

The Bible The Quran And Science: Written by a French surgeon, this work, one of the most important ever on Islamic and Christian studies, analyzes the scriptures in the light of modern scientific knowledge, looking for contradictions between established scientific facts and scriptural implication. The author analyzes creationism vs. evolution, astronomy, the conception in the womb, separation of water in subterranean Oceanic rivers and other issues. A thoroughly engrossing treatise, full of information on the subject and documentation to back up every point the author brings forth. English translation of ‘La Bible, Le Coran et La Science.”

The Life Of Isa ( Jesus ) In Light Of Islam

The Life Of Isa ( Jesus ) In Light Of Islam

Ahmad Musa Jibril | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 27 | Size: 1 MB

The Life of Isa (Jesus) -peace be upon him- in Light of Islam: The life of the Prophet Isa ( Jesus ) alayhe salam has been a topical issue of late in the media as well as in popular culture. There is a new awareness and heightened curiosity worldwide regarding the amazing life and miracles of Isa alayhe salam. His personality has impacted the three major religions of this world, namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Given the importance of his time on earth, it is critical for mankind to fully understand his pivotal role in shaping history as well as the final days.

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Relationships Of The Great: Prophet Muhammad Presents His Brother Jesus To Mankind

Relationships Of The Great: Prophet Muhammad Presents His Brother Jesus To Mankind

Zain Al-Abedeen Al-Rakabi | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 112 | Size: 1 MB

Prophet Muhammad Presents His Brother Jesus To Mankind (Peace And Blessings Be Upon Them).

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The True Message Of Jesus Christ

The True Message Of Jesus Christ

Dr. Bilal Philips | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 101 | Size: 1 MB

The True Message Of Jesus Christ: An explanation of the ‘real’ message and relgion which Jesus (peace be upon him) came with, from both the Bible and the Qur’an.

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Concept Of God In Major Religions

Concept Of God In Major Religions

Dr. Zakir Naik | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 29 | Size: 1 MB

One of the distinguishing features of our civilization is the presence of a large number of religions and ethical systems. Mankind has always sought to understand the reason for creation and his own place in the scheme of things. A common feature of all major religions is the belief in a Universal God or Supreme Divine Authority that is Omnipotent and Omniscient. Followers of all major religions believe that the God they worship is the same God for them as well as for others.

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Programim Objekte pdf


1. Numërimet

Përcaktimi i grupit 4

Shfrytëzimi i grupit 6

Degëzimi përmes vlerave të numëruara 7

Degëzimi me komandën if 7

Degëzimi me komandën switch 9

Disa variabla të numëruara të tipit të njëjtë 12

Përcaktimi dhe deklarimi njëkohësisht 13

Shoqërimi direkt i vlerave 16

Operimi me variabla të numëruara 19

Barazimi i variablave të numëruara 20

Llogaritja me vlera të numëruara 21

Variablat e numëruara në unaza 23

Leximi i të dhënave të numëruara 27

Definimi i disa grupeve njëkohësisht 28

Të dhënat e numëruara në nënprograme 31

2. Strukturat

Definimi i strukturave të zakonshme 34

Deklarimi i variablave të tipit të strukturës 36

Qasja te komponentet e strukturës 37

Deklarimi direkt i variablës së strukturës 39

Inicializimi direkt i variablave 44

Llogaritje me variablat e strukturës 46

Ruajtja e rezultateve në strukturë 49

Disa variabla të një strukture 51

Deklarimi pasi është definuar struktura 51

Deklarimi gjatë definimit të strukturës 55

Përdorimi i operacionit të shoqërimit 60

Përdorimi i operatorëve relacionalë 62

Disa struktura njëkohësisht 65

vi Programimi i orientuar në objekte

Strukturat e ndërthurura 70

Strukturat si parametra të funksioneve 73

Funksione me parametra të përzier 78

Thirrja e përsëritur e funksionit 82

Disa struktura si parametra të funksioneve 85

Disa nënprograme njëkohësisht 88

Funksionet në komponentet e strukturave 90

Funksionet pa parametra formalë 91

Definimi brenda strukturës 91

Definimi jashtë strukturës 100

Funksionet me parametra formalë 104

Definimi brenda strukturës 104

Definimi jashtë strukturës 108

Shfrytëzimi në strukturë i funksioneve të tjera 110

Disa funksione brenda strukturës 115

Disa struktura brenda funksioneve 119

Fushat në struktura 124

Fushat e strukturave 128

3. Klasat

Definimi i klasave të zakonshme 134

Deklarimi i objekteve 136

Qasja te komponentet e klasës 137

Forma e përgjithshme e klasave 139

Definimi i funksioneve jashtë klasës 143

Forma të tjera të inicializimit të variablave 145

Inicializimi përmes leximit 145

Inicializimi gjatë deklarimit të objekteve 147

Shfrytëzimi i vlerave të variablave private 149

Funksionet pa parametra formalë 149

Funksionet me parametra referentë 151

Llogaritjet me variablat e klasës 153

Llogaritjet në program 153

Llogaritjet përmes funksioneve të klasës 157

Rezultatet te variablat e programit 157

Rezultatet te variablat e klasës 161

Shfrytëzimi i funksioneve brenda klasës 164

Funksionet në komponentet publike 164

Funksionet në komponentet private 168

Konstruktorët 172

Konstruktorët pa parametra formalë 172

Konstruktorët me parametra formalë 176

Llogaritjet brenda konstruktorëve 179

Disa konstruktorë njëkohësisht 182

Thirrja në bazë të numrit të parametrave 183

Përmbajtja vii

Thirrja në bazë të tipit të parametrave 185

Destruktorët 188

Trashëgimia 191

Definimi i funksioneve jashtë klasave 195

Shfrytëzimi i anëtarëve të mbrojtur 196

Shfrytëzimi i anëtarëve gjatë trashëgimisë 198

Ridefinimi i funksioneve të klasës bazë 199

Trashëgimia e shumëfishtë 202

Operatori i shoqërimit tek objektet 204

Krahasimi i variablave të klasës 206

Fushat brenda klasave 212

Fushat e objekteve 214

Dukshmëria e klasave dhe e objekteve 217

4. Pointerët

Deklarimi i pointerëve 218

Adresat e variablave 220

Vlera në adresën e variablës 222

Shoqërimi i vlerave 224

Shoqërimi i vlerave të konstanteve 224

Shoqërimi i vlerave të variablave 225

Operatorët inverzë 227

Llogaritjet përmes pointerëve 231

Operimi me vlerat e pointerëve 239

Rritja dhe zvogëlimi i vlerave 239

Shoqërimi dhe krahasimi i vlerave 241

Pointerët gjatë operimit me fusha 242

Operimi me anëtarët e vektorëve 242

Pointerët në anëtarët e vektorëve 242

Pointeri në anëtarin e parë të vektorit 244

Indekset si pointerë 248

Pointerët pa i deklaruar 251

Operimi me anëtarë të matricave 254

Shtypja e anëtarëve të matricave 254

Gjetja e anëtarit të caktuar në matricë 258

Formimi i vektorit nga anëtarët e matricës 260

Shuma e anëtarëve të matricës 262

Pointerët në stringje 264

Fusha pointerësh 265

Pointerët si parametra të funksioneve 267

Mundësitë themelore 268

Mundësi të tjera 273

Vektorët si pointerë 276

Pointerët në funksione 279

Fusha pointerësh në funksione 282

viii Programimi i orientuar në objekte

Pointerët në struktura 286

Pointerët në objekte 289

Qasja te variablat e klasës 289

Qasja te funksionet e klasave 291

5. Referencat

Referencat e zakonshme 296

Konstantet referente 300

Parametrat formalë referentë 302

Parametrat referentë si rezultate 305

Fushat referente 306

Vektorët referentë 306

Matricat referente 307

Kufizime për variablat referente 309

Parametrat referentë brenda strukturave 309

Variablat referente brenda klasave 311

Objektet referente 312

6. Fajllat

Fajllat me qasje sekuenciale 317

Shkruarja në fajll 318

Memoria ndërmjetësuese 320

Leximi nga fajlli 321

Kontrollimi i hapjes së fajllave 323

Deklarimi i objektit para hapjes 325

Qasja te fajllat në unazë 328

Shkruarja në unazë 328

Shfrytëzimi i manipulatorëve 329

Leximi në unazë 331

Flamujt e statusit 334

Shkruarja dhe leximi në një program 337

Shfrytëzimi i dy objekteve të veçanta 337

Shfrytëzimi i një objekti të vetëm 339

Tekstet në fajlla 341

Tekstet dhe numrat në fajlla 343

Shkruarja dhe leximi i karaktereve 347

Forma të tjera të unazave për lexim 350

Shfrytëzimi i pointerëve 351

Leximi i rreshtave 352

Leximi i komplet rreshtave 352

Leximi deri në simbolin e caktuar 353

Mode të hapjes së fajllave 356

Kombinimet e modeve të hapjes 356

Hapja e fajllave në modin binar 359

Përmbajtja ix

Pozita në fajll 360

Leximi i pozitës aktuale në fajll 363

Qasja dhe lëvizja e lirë brenda fajllave 365

Qasja relative në fajll 366

Fajllat me qasje direkte 372

Shkruarja në fajlla 373

Leximi nga fajllat 374

Vlerat e disa variablave në fajlla 376

Vlerat e fushave në fajlla 377

Vlerat e vektorëve 378

Vlerat e matricave 381

Vlerat e llogaritura në fajlla 382

Tekstet në fajlla 384

Tekstet dhe vlerat numerike në fajlla 386

Qasja direkte në të dhënat e fajllave 387

Shfrytëzimi i të dhënave nga fajllat 389

Objektet në fajlla 391

Objektet te fajllat me qasje sekuenciale 391

Objektet te fajllat me qasje direkte 394

Përmes variablave të komponenteve me të dhëna 394

Përmes blloqeve me të dhëna 396

Objektet me funksione 399

Disa fajlla të hapur njëkohësisht 404


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Bazat e rrjetave kompjuterike pdf

Rrjeta është një mekanizëm që i mundëson kompjuterëve të shpërndarë dhe

përdoruesve të tyre të komunikojnë dhe të shfrytëzojnë resurset e përbashkëta. Përkundër

përdorimit të tyre të gjerë, rrjetat mbesin çështjet më misterioze të teknologjisë


Meqë standardet e rrjetave janë të vendosura nga disa organizata të ndryshme për

vendosjen e standardeve, ne gjithashtu do të përbledhim edhe këto organizata të

ndryshme standardesh, standardet e tyre dhe çfarëdo ndërrelacioni në mes tyre. Një nga

më të rendësishmit është modeli shtatë nivelësh (Open System Interconnect - OSI)

Reference Model. Në këtë model, secili nivel përkrah bashkësi të ndryshme funksionesh.

Modeli gjithashtu shërben edhe si mjet i mrekullueshëm për të kuptuarit e rrjetave duke i

ndarë ato në komponente të ndryshme funksionale.........

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Bazat e Telekomunikacionit pdf

Elementet bazike te telekomunikimit

· Njesia transmetuese qe e pranon informaten dhe e konverton ne sinjal te

pershtatshem per transmetim

o Cdo paisje apo objekt qe gjeneron dhe dergon informata tek nje paisje

tjeter, marrese qe i pranon ato.

o Pjese e transmetuesit mund te jete edhe antena per te transmetuar radio


· Mediumi transmetues per transmetimin e sinjaleve

o Rrjetat

 Eshte nje grumbullim i pajisjeve transmetuese dhe marrese te

lidhura fizikisht per te percjellur informatat permes sinjaleve

 Sinjalet mund te jene:

· Analoge

· Digjitale

· Njesia pranuese qe

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Algoritmet ne c++

Paraqitja analitike 2

Paraqitja grafike 4

Testimi i algoritmeve 7

Përcjellja në kompjuter 9

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Foxit Reader 7.0.3 Crack plus Keygen incl Full Free Download

Foxit Reader 7.0.3 Crack plus Keygen incl Full Free Download

Foxit Reader 7.0.3 Crack + Keygen Full is a minor, amazingly fast and feature enrich PDF viewer that permits you to make free PDF file, open, sign, view and print any PDF file from your System. Foxit Reader 7.0.3 Crack is design on the basis of industry’s quickest and best precise with high reliability PDF execution engine, offering operators with the finest PDF file viewing and printing experience.

Foxit Reader have the abilities:
PDF Viewer – Amazingly quick PDF viewing and printing of PDF files and assortments rapidly deprived of exhausting system resources.
Simply View Multiple PDF Files – Multiple tab style document view permits operators to go back and forward among various PDF documents rapidly and simply.
Configurable PDF Viewer – Arrange document views by the options text viewer, read mode and reverse view. Arrange page view by single page, full screen, split, two page facing, continuous scrolling, separate cover page, continuous facing, auto-scroll and page transition options.
Bookmark Support – Simply edit, add and change bookmarks in a PDF document.
Multiple Views – Rotate pages between portrait and landscape. Arrange zooming or modify magnification utilizing the loupe, marquee and magnifier tools.

Intuitive UI: MS Office 2013 Ribbon Style Toolbar offers a clean and accustomed UI.
Modify Toolbar: Permits operators to make new tabs or modify current tabs. Client can express which buttons should be placed in which tab or directly generate a new tab by their desired buttons.
Quick and lightweight: High performance create, view, and print PDF deprived of exhausting system resources. Simply deployable by the enterprise.
PDF portfolios: Print, view, and search for text in PDF collections.
Multi-document viewing: Suitable multiple tab style document view permits workers to go back and forward among many PDF documents rapidly and simply.
Bookmarks: Simply add, revise and alter bookmarks in a PDF document.
Text search: Search for text in PDF files, folders, disks, and the Internet.
Read out loud: PDF documents can be listened although you are on the go.
Rotate and zoom: Rotate PDF pages between portrait and landscape. Arrange zooming or adjust magnification utilizing the tool like loupe, marquee and magnifier.
Diverse document views: Organize document views by read mode, inverse view and text viewer options.
Multiple page displays: Organize page view by single page, full screen, two page facing, continuous scrolling, continuous facing, split, auto-scroll, separate cover page and page transition options.
Rulers and grids: Show a ruler, grid, guide and snap to grid on your page.

System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor:3 GHz or higher
RAM: 512 MB RAM or higher
Disk Space: 1 GB
Screen Resolution: 1024×768 or higher


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UltraISO Crack + Registration Code incl Full Free Download

UltraISO Crack + Registration Code incl Full Free Download

UltraISO Crack + Registration Code Full is an ISO CD/DVD image file which can create or edit or convert device and a bootable CD/DVD maker. UltraISO Crack can directly and easily amend the CD/DVD picture file and remove files and folders from it. UltraISO Registration Code can easily make ISO files from your CD/DVD-ROM or hard disk. In addition to this you can also keep ISO bootable information and can create your own bootable CD or DVDs. With UltraISO Patch you can make and amend you own ISO files and then change them to CD or DVD according to your need.

UltraISO Crack is in single control of the intellectualized ISO document lay out analyzer. UltraISO Keygen can practice almost all kinds of image files which may include ISO and BIN. UltraISo Serial can also support new icon files which are to be made.UltraISO Full Crack can open these figure files, it can also remove folders directly, edit them and change other files to the normal ISO format.

UltraISO Registration Code uses the double window fusion user contact edge. You can only use the quick buttons or mouse drags and drops. With the help of UltraISO Crack you can also grip any CD/DVD icon file very easily.

Main Features of UltraISO:
It can directly alter the ISO image file.
It can directly remove files and folders from ISO icon file.
It can easily add or remove or form new index, it can rename ISO file image list.
It can make ISO file from hard disk document.
It can also create CD/DVD image from CD/DVD-ROM and also maintain bootable information.
It has the ability to process the compact disc boot information. You can directly add/remove or delete boot image of the ISO image.
It can run almost all known CD/DVD image file formats (.ISO, .BIN, .IMG, .CIF, .NRG, .MDS, .CCD, .BWI, .ISZ, .DMG, .DAA, .UIF, .HFS and so on). It can alter them to the industry standard and widely supported ISO image format.
It may directly set the file or folder to unknown quality.
It supports ISO 9660 Level1/2/3 and Joliet extension.
It mechanically optimizes the ISO image file arrangement and saves the disc space.
It supports the shell document type combination. It can open Image files through double clicking them or the Right Click menu of the mouse with the open option.
With the help of this software the double window user interface is very suitable to use.
There are rich add-on apparatus. You can create ALL in 1 bootable compact discs, CD/DVD image file organization, even the effective CD/DVD drive and these functions are very dominant.

What’s New in this Version?
Enhanced writing disk image feature, supports mobile HDD disks with various partitions(‘Xpress write’), and takes small time to ready the files.
Supports resampling MP3 media file while making an Audio CD.
Enhanced ‘Check CD/DVD’ fature.
Fixed a bug with handling some dmg ISO images.
Fixed a bug with detecting some CD/DVD writers.
Some minor enhancements and bug fixes.

System Requirement:
OS: Windows XP, Windows NT, Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1
Processor: Intel Pentium 166MHz or above.
Disk Space: At least 10MB free hard disk space.
Compact Disc: CD-ROM, CD-R/RW, DVD-ROM, the DVD-R/RW driver.

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Prophet Muhammad The Last Messenger In The Bible

Prophet Muhammad The Last Messenger In The Bible

Kais Al-Kalby | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 583 | Size: 9.5 MB

Prophet Muhammad The Last Messenger In The Bible: An incisive, thoroughly research and above all informative discourse on the subject of Prophet Muhammad in the Bible.

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Jesus And The Bible

Jesus And The Bible

Rashaad Abdul-Muhaiman | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 21 | Size: 1 MB

Jesus And The Bible: Concise examination of the Christian texts as well as the Islamic perspective of the purpose and message of Jesus (PBUH).

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Chanalyzer Pro Portable

Chanalyzer Pro Portable | 46.4 MB

MetaGeek makes easy-to-use visualization tools for wireless spectrum and packet analysis. With Wi-Spy spectrum analyzers and Chanalyzer visualization software, MetaGeek enables professionals to make wireless work the way it’s supposed to. MetaGeek also launched their latest troubleshooting tool – Eye P.A. – the first step to understanding your Wi-Fi network. Visualizing the data, it transforms 802.11 .pcap files into color-coded multi-layered pie charts, allowing you to see trends and issues for quick network troubleshooting.

Chanalyzer turns data collected from a Wi-Spy into highly interactive charts and graphs, allowing users to visualize their wireless landscape. Together, Wi-Spy and Chanalyzer enable both enterprise and small business users to visualize, troubleshoot, and optimize their wireless networks.

With Chanalyzer Pro and Wi-Spy you can:
Quickly build powerful Wi-Fi reports.
Find and Identify sources of Interference.
Record Wi-Fi and Spectrum Data.
See how bad the interference was – when it occurred.
View a single channel in high resolution
Increase 5GHz 802.11n hardware installations

Language : English

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Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional 10.3.2

Symantec Encryption Desktop Professional 10.3.2 MP7 (Win (x86) - Mac) Multilingual | 35.4 - 27 MB

Symantec™ Encryption Desktop, Powered by PGP Technology is a security tool that uses cryptography to protect your data against unauthorized access. Symantec Encryption Desktop protects your data while being sent by email or by instant messaging (IM). It lets you encrypt your entire hard drive or hard drive partition (on Windows systems)—so everything is protected all the time—or just a portion of your hard drive, via a virtual disk on which you can securely store your most sensitive data.

You can use it to share your files and folders securely with others over a network. It lets you put any combination of files and folders into an encrypted, compressed package for easy distribution or backup. Finally, use Symantec Encryption Desktop to shred (securely delete) sensitive files—so that no one can retrieve them—and shred free space on your hard drive, so there are no unsecured remains of any files.

Disk, Volume, & File Protection
PGP Desktop Professional includes PGP Whole Disk Encryption to lock down the entire contents of a laptop, desktop, external drive, or USB flash drive, including boot sectors, system, and swap files. Pre-boot authentication is enforced and the always-on encryption is transparent to the user, automatically protecting data. Volume and file encryption provides an added layer of security to protect sensitive data while the system is powered on.

PGP-Protected Messaging
PGP Desktop Professional provides email and instant messaging (IM) encryption between AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) users with PGP Desktop to enable confidential communications. Policy-based enforcement simplifies security, providing transparent operation with no additional user requirements.

Flexible Deployment Options
PGP Desktop Professional can be rapidly deployed in standalone mode in smaller companies or to critical users within a larger enterprise. As security requirements evolve, organizations can easily migrate existing users to a centralized, managed architecture without changes to user behavior or credentials and add new encryption functionality to existing deployments, as needed.

PGP Encryption Platform–Enabled
The PGP Encryption Platform provides a strategic enterprise encryption framework for shared user management, policy, and provisioning automated across multiple, integrated encryption applications. As a PGP Encryption Platform–enabled application, PGP Desktop Professional leverages PGP Universal Server users, keys, and configurations, expediting deployment and policy enforcement. PGP Desktop Professional can be used in combination with other PGP encryption solutions to provide multiple layers of security.

OS : Windows 8/7/Vista/XP
Language : Multilanguage

Home Page -
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Artifact Interactive Garden Planner 3.2.29

Artifact Interactive Garden Planner 3.2.29 | 24 Mb

Design your dream garden with this very easy to use program. Arrange plants, trees, buildings and objects using an easy to use 'drag and drop' interface. Use tools to quickly create paving, paths and fences. Then produce a high quality color print out of your design.

• Very easy to use interface
• Save and Load your own designs.
• Use a wide range of generic plant shapes to design your garden, so you dont need to be a botanist to use it
• Produce a professional looking print out of your plan
• Use tools to quickly create paving, fences and paths.
• Generate a report of all the plants and objects in your garden
• Create a library of custom plants

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PGWare SuperRam Multilingual

PGWare SuperRam Multilingual | 3.6 MB

SuperRam makes your computer run faster by taking control and managing the memory on your computer efficiently. If you notice your computer is running slow, this typically is due to the memory (RAM) running out of usable space. When memory space gets lower, Windows then starts opening programs into the Windows page file; this page file is the computer hard drive which is much slower than RAM. SuperRam switches this behavior and puts old programs into the Windows page file and any newly opened programs are put into actual RAM. This change in how Windows operates allows programs and games to run faster.

SuperRam constantly runs in the background on your computer and determines when the memory on your computer is getting to a low threshold; once it reaches this threshold it immediately frees memory back to the computer and makes programs run faster since they have access to physical memory. SuperRam's settings allow you to freely adjust and change this low memory threshold and give you the ability to determine how much memory to free back to Windows. SuperRam gives you full control over how memory works on your computer and allows you to fine tune how your computer operates.

Faster Applications
Applications and games instantly load and run faster than before since they have access to more RAM on your computer. This instantly makes your computer run smoother and faster.

Take Control
You are now in control of your computer and decide how the system works. SuperRam gives you instant access to control how the computer operates and then works in the background for you.

Always Running
SuperRam constantly runs in the background even if no user is logged in, works great for server systems and desktop machines whether they are in full use or idle.

Infinite Memory
SuperRam constantly frees wasted memory back to the computer giving the impression you have an unlimited supply of RAM available to your applications at all times.

OS : Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP & Windows Server 2012, 2008, 2003. 32-BIT/64-BIT ready
Language : Multilingual

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Desksware Desktop iCalendar

Desksware Desktop iCalendar | 2.7 Mb

Desktop iCalendar is a calendar application for windows. As its name suggests, It can show the calendar, events, to-do list and weather on desktop. It can work with Google Calendar. You can browse your calendars on different computers and share your calendar with others. And you can subscribe the popular Google calendar, etc, Holidays, Sports. Desktop iCalendar is compatible with popular calendar editors, Mozilla Sunbird, Apple iCal.

Make your life more organized
Schedule your family and work is critical. Desktop iCalendar is easy to make your own plan and share it with your family and friends. With the calendar on desktop, you can review your schedule and appointments easily.

Never miss important things
Desktop iCalendar will remind you when important time is coming. It does not only save your money, but also save your time.

Make your plan with weather
With weather forecast of the coming week on your desktop, you can always plan ahead.

Show goals to everyone
For business groups, Desktop iCalendar can show group's events to everyone. Remind people of not forgetting their tasks.

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Animacione kompjuterike shqip

Animacione kompjuterike (dispence leksionesh).

Permbajtja e leksionesve per kursin CS 323 Animacione kompjuterike eshte si me poshte:

 Hyrje ne Animacionet kompjuterike

 Pjesa 1: OPEN GL

 Pjesa2: FLASH CS3

 Pjesa4: 3D STUDIO MAX

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Thursday 19 February 2015

Jesus And Christianity In The Perspective Of Islam

Jesus And Christianity In The Perspective Of Islam

Dar Abdul Rahman | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 41 | Size: 1 MB

Jesus and Christianity In the Perspective of Islam: This book guides those who misunderstood the teachings of Jesus and Christianity in the Perspective of Islam.

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Size: 15.56 GB Type: Software Auto

Year / Date of Release: 2015
Version: 2.55
Language: English + Russian
License: Freeware
Description: Full service pack software of electronic control units of cars BMW.
It is intended to update the database in programs WinKFP, NCS Expert, Inpa (Enter the BMW Standart Tools).
Present Body: E36, E38, E39, E46, E52, E53, E60, E65, E70, E83, E85, E89, F001, F010, F020, F025, F056, I001, K1X, K001, K24, KH2, RR1, R50 , R56
Extras. Information: Use WinRar 5.20

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Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems

Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems: Proceedings of ICAEES 2014, Volume 2 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Book 325) by L Padma Suresh and Subhransu Sekhar Dash
English | 2014 | ISBN: 8132221346 | 873 pages | PDF | 28,7 MB

The book is a collection of high-quality peer-reviewed research papers presented in Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering Systems (ICAEES 2014) held at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil, India. These research papers provide the latest developments in the broad area of use of artificial intelligence and evolutionary algorithms in engineering systems. The book discusses wide variety of industrial, engineering and scientific applications of the emerging techniques. It presents invited papers from the inventors/originators of new applications and advanced technologies.

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Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller

Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller (Tab Electronics) by Myke Predko
English | Oct 16, 2007 | ISBN: 0071472878 | 1263 Pages | PDF | 12 MB

Tap into the latest advancements in PIC technology with the fully revamped Third Edition of McGraw-Hill's Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller. Long known as the subject's definitive text, this indispensable volume comes packed with more than 600 illustrations, and provides comprehensive, easy-to-understand coverage of the PIC microcontroller's hardware and software schemes.

With 100 experiments, projects, and libraries, you get a firm grasp of PICs, how they work, and the ins-and-outs of their most dynamic applications. Written by renowned technology guru Myke Predko, this updated edition features a streamlined, more accessible format, and delivers:

Concentration on the three major PIC families, to help you fully understand the synergy between the Assembly, BASIC, and C programming languages
Coverage of the latest program development tools
A refresher in electronics and programming, as well as reference material, to minimize the searching you will have to do

Setting up your own PIC microcontroller development lab
PIC MCU basics
PIC microcontroller interfacing capabilities, software development, and applications
Useful tables and data
Basic electronics
Digital electronics
BASIC reference
C reference
16-bit numbers
Useful circuits and routines that will help you get your applications up and running quickly

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Modern Os (Shqip)

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Answering Those Who Altered The Religion Of Jesus Christ

Answering Those Who Altered The Religion Of Jesus Christ

Sheikh-ul-Islam ibn Taimiyah | Language: English | Format: PDF | 385 Pages | Size: 12.5 MB

Answering Those Who Altered The Religion of Prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH): This book is one of the most important Islamic books which gives right answers about Christianity.

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The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) In Hindu Scriptures

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) In Hindu Scriptures

Dr. Z. HAQ | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 10 | Size: 1 MB

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) In Hindu Scriptures.

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Muhammad (pbuh) In The Bible

Muhammad (pbuh) In The Bible

Jamal A. Badawi | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 50 | Size: 1.5 MB

I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him. Upon whom to these characteristics of the awaited prophet apply? Upon Jesus or Muhammad (peace be upon them).

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Muhammed (pbuh)The Natural Successor To Christ (pbuh)

Muhammed (pbuh)The Natural Successor To Christ (pbuh)

| Author: Ahmed Deedat | Language: English | Size: 2MB | Pages: 74 | Format: PDF

Successions are of many kinds like the birthright of the “first-born” as in Jewish law. Or the ascending of the eldest son or daughter to the kingly throne. Or by election, to select a candidate by the vote of the majority. Or Theologically, an appointment by Divine Decree of God’s chosen Messengers. Like the call of Abraham, Moses, Jesus or Muhummed (May the Peace and Blessings of God be upon them all) who were appointed or “anointed” in consecration to their office.

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Islam And Christianity

Islam And Christianity

| Author: Mrs. Ulfat Aziz-us-Samad | Language: English | Size: 1MB | Pages: 106 | Format: PDF

Islam and Christianity asserts the fact that Christianity, as taught by Christ himself (pbuh), and Islam are sister religions. Islam the true religion of Jesus (pbuh) revived by a fresh Revelation and perfected to cover all aspects of human life and to give guidance to the nations of all times. Islam is, in short, the universal religion. In the comparative study between Islam and Christianity, the reader will notice the tolerant approach of Islam toward other revealed religions.

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60 Questions For The Christians

60 Questions For The Christians

| Author: Alharamain Foundation | Language: English | Size: 1MB | Pages: 12 | Format: PDF

According to most Christians, Jesus was God incarnate, full man and full God. Can the finite and the infinite be one? “To be full” God means freedom from finite forms and from helplessness, and to be “full man” means the absence of divinity.

1. To be son is to be less than divine and to be divine is to be no one’s son. How could Jesus
have the attributes of sonship and divinity altogether?

2. Christians assert that Jesus claimed to be God when they quote him in John 14:9: “He that
has seen me has seen the Father”. Didn’t Jesus clearly say that people have never seen God, as
it says in John 5:37: “And the father himself which Has sent me, has borne witness of me.

Corruption Of The Torah

Corruption Of The Torah

| Author: IslamWorld Publications | Language: English | Size:1MB | Pages: 16 | Format: PDF

A while ago, a Muslim brother forwarded a message he found on a Jewish net which attempted to prove the corruption of the Qur’an. The post attempted to show that Muslims are command in the Qur’an to kill all non-Muslims and FORCE them into Islam. A knowledgeable scholar of Islam, one who knows the context within which each verse was revealed would be able to refute these claims quite simply, however, I have decided that it is necessary to provide Muslims with the weapons they need to counter such attacks in order to not allow them to force us to always be on the defensive. But rather, be able to effectively launch an effective devastating OFFENSIVE strike at them as well when they try such games.

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